Remember when you were making plans for your wedding? Or dreaming of the day when that arrives?
All of the details...mountains of details!
The day-- perfect...
your dress--PERFECT.
June 1, 1990 |
I remember waking up the morning of my wedding without a voice--I sounded like a bass singer...I was mortified! I sucked through what seemed like an entire pack of Halls Cherry flavored throat lozenges hoping desperately and praying to the good Lord above that I could rid my self of this plague before it came time for the vows... and that my tongue and lips would be a normal color.
My Dad walked with me. He gave me to my man. I remember the huge case of butterflies in my stomach as I walked down that aisle. I was SO happy. I felt completely LOVED, completely CHOSEN by the best man in the whole wide world. There was NOTHING in the world that could compare to that moment when I saw Scott for the first time --WAITING FOR ME. The smile on his face was priceless. My faced ached from smiling back at him through the ceremony.
We took communion together for the first time.
We lit the unity candle.
We pledged our lives to each other.
We made a vow before God and witnesses.
We asked God to bless us so we could bless our future children
It was forever.
We were in it for the long run.
...and he kissed me.
We had no idea what was ahead of us. I know neither of us would change a thing. So far it has been 23 years
we have more wrinkles now
a few less hairs
and grey is replacing the brown
we have some miles on our road
we have seen joys and sorrows And we are still madly in love Still in it for the long run. Still feeling completely LOVED and CHOSEN
it was signed
and it is beautiful.
You were chosen by the God of the Universe and He gave you to his Son.
He saw you for the first time
before the world began
and it made Him happy.
You were chosen to be His Joy.
He planned for the day
when you would be born into this His world
He smiled.
You are not ordinary.
Because He has future plans with you...
His beautiful bride.
Completely treasured.
Completely cherished.
Jesus committed himself to you.
The vow...
The bread and the wine.
He communes with you.
He has a cloud of witnesses to cheer you on.
He wants to bless you so you can bless
He is in this for eternity.
He will never leave you alone.
He is intimate.
He put His light in you.
He sent The Holy Spirit to dwell in you.
You may not know what lies ahead
but,He does
and He is worthy of trust.
He has made provisions.
it is signed-
in His blood
sealed in heaven-
you have been delivered
it is finished.
" For your husband is your Maker, Whose name is the LORD of hosts; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Who is called the God of all the earth."
~Isaiah 54:5
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